As we age, collagen, a protein naturally produced by the body, which is found in joints, bones, skin, hair, nails, and muscles, begins to diminish. An important factor, when using dietary supplements, is that the types of collagen should come from different sources. High Quality Collagen contains 3 types of collagen: marine (fish), porcine, and bovine.
As we age, collagen, a protein naturally produced by the body, found in joints, bones, skin, hair, nails, and muscles, begins to disappear. An important factor when using dietary supplements is that the types of collagen should be from different sources. Our nutrition and dietary supplement experts recommend High Quality Collagen, which contains 3 types of collagen: marine (fish), porcine, and bovine.
Marine collagen - is the most easily absorbed by the body, especially for joints and the musculoskeletal system.
Porcine collagen - helps to restore the body's collagen production, while also aiding in healthier and more efficient absorption of nutrients from daily food consumption.
Bovine collagen - helps to rejuvenate the skin, regenerate hair, and maintain nail health.
Bamboo - aids in weight loss, reduces cholesterol, strengthens the immune system, protects the gastrointestinal, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems, and has anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergic properties.
Horsetail - due to its high silicon content, it prevents osteoporosis by maintaining bone density. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory, also ideal for the urinary tract, helping to eliminate unwanted bacteria.
Turmeric - the most potent natural anti-inflammatory known to date, with a power comparable to that of cortisone.
Devil's Claw - anti-inflammatory and analgesic, recommended for joint, muscle, and bone pain, as well as osteoarthritis.
Effects and benefits:
Un produs extraordinar de bun. Am un testimonial de la o doamna cu Parkinson. O ajuta enorm de mult ,misca mai usor,calmeaza durerea, se simte mukt mai bine .Recomand cu drag
Un produs unic in Romania care ma ajuta enorm in problemele mele (poliartrita ,artroza, gonatroza)recomand acest produs pentru calitatea sa in raport cu pretul!
Kurven er tom
12 maj, 2023
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